- Capsules

Committed for protection of Liver

Ayurvedic Prop. Medicine


Each Capsule contains Ghana from :
Phyllanthus amarus(Bhymyamalaki) 350 mg.
Picrorhiza kurroa(Katukarohini) 150 mg.
Emblica officinalis(Amalaki) 80 mg.
Terminalia chebula(Haritaki) 200 mg.
Terminalia belerica(Vibhitaki) 50 mg.
Andrographis paniculata(Kaalmegh) 100 mg.
  • Acute & Chronic Hepatitis of ied etiology
  • Alcoholic Liver disease
  • Fatty Liver
  • Drug induced Hepatotoxicity
  • Hepato-biliary conditions of known and unknown etiology
  • Loss of appetite
  • Post hepatitis
  • Convalescence
  • For routine use as a Liver protective
1-2 capsules twice or thrice daily
or as directed by the Physician
Available in 60 and 500 Pack